
  • Green Living Areas

EU Mobility Week in Alto Alentejo sub-region

EU Mobility Week in Alto Alentejo sub-region
With the main theme “Shared Public Space”, the European Mobility Week was an opportunity to test new forms of mobility and sharing of public space, in order to ensure that everyone can move around safely and comfortably in a pleasant environment, especially pedestrians and cyclists, moving towards a more sustainable mobility.
In Alto Alentejo sub-region (AREANATejo’s intervention area), 4 municipalities joined the initiative: Avis, Crato, Gavião and Ponte de Sor, and organized several activities and initiatives, such as walks, awareness-raising activities, sports classes, workshops, cycle tours, among others.
We highlight, for example, in Gavião, the bicycle workshop and gymkhana, as well as the awareness-raising action on road safety, carried out by Escola Segura (National Republican Guard) at the School Group, with the aim of explaining traffic rules to students, such as crossing the road correctly, wearing seat belts and avoiding dangerous games on public roads, among others.
Also in Ponte de Sor, one of the focuses was to raise awareness on road prevention, thus empowering students and the community, as well as promoting a culture of respect and responsibility in traffic.
In both municipalities, residents were challenged on September 20th to leave their car at home and opt for means of soft mobility, preferring to travel on foot or by bicycle.
Source of the photos – Facebook pages of the Municipalities involved: